Medical Services Management

Evonym Terms & Condition

1. Terms and Conditions of Use

Welcome to the Evonym website. By using our site, you agree to the following terms of use, which constitute an agreement between Evonym and you.

This website is designed for general patient educational and information purposes only and does not render medicaladvice . The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional health care, and is designed to support – not replace – the relationship you have with your health care provider. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency medical services immediately.

2. Disclaimers and Limitations

Evonym disclaims any liability whatsoever for any documentation, information, programs, software, or other material that is or may become a part of the website. Evonym does not warrant or guarantee that the information will not be offensive to any user and/or may not meet your needs and requirements.

You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of any portion of the information or services provided by Evonym. The information and services are provided on an “as is” basis. Evonym makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinions, advice, services or other information contained or referenced in this Web site. Evonym assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. Neither Evonym nor any of its affiliates makes any express or implied warranties or representations whatsoever with regards to any information or services provided through this site. Under no circumstances will Evonym or any of its affiliates be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages that result in your use of or inability to use the site and/or any services offered on it. Further, you agree that in no event will Evonym or any party involved in the creation, production or delivery of this Web site or any Web site linked to it be liable in any manner whatsoever for any decision, action or non-action taken based on information provided through this Web site. Our website may include links to outside web sites that are not owned or controlled by Evonym. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement of the content on such sites.   We cannot be responsible for any information, disclaimers, or privacy protections provided by sites outside of the Evonym Web site, even if they are linked to the Web site.

These terms and conditions set forth in this disclaimer are subject to change and update at any time. By choosing to visit the Evonym Web site, you are bound by the terms set forth in this document and by any such revisions as they are posted.


The contents of the Evonym website, such as text, graphics, images, information   are for informational purposes only and do not render medical advice or professional services. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on Evonym’s website.

Evonym disclaims any liability whatsoever for any documentation, information, programs, software, or other material which is or may become a part of the website. Evonym does not warrant or guarantee that the information will not be offensive to any user. User is hereby put on notice that by accessing and using the website, user assumes the risk that the information and documentation contained in the website may be offensive and/or may not meet the needs and requirements of the user.


Evonym will use all reasonable means to protect the privacy of your health information sent by e-mail. However, because of both the inherent and risks outlined below, Evonym cannot guarantee that e-mail communications will be confidential. Additionally, Evonym will not be liable in the event that you or anyone else inappropriately uses your e-mail. Evonym will not be liable for improper disclosure of your health information that is not caused by Evonym’s intentional misconduct.


At the discretion of the Evonym, its staff and agents (Evonym) and upon your agreement to the terms outlined within this consent form, you may use e-mail to communicate with Evonym. These e-mails may contain your personal health information. If you decide to use e-mail to communicate with Evonym, you should be aware of the following risks and/or your responsibilities:

  • As the Internet is not secure or private, unauthorized people may be able to intercept, read and possibly modify e-mail you send or are sent by Evonym.
  • You must protect your e-mail account, password and computer against access by unauthorized people.
  • Since e-mail can be used to spread viruses, some which cause e-mail messages to be sent to people who you do not intend to send e-mail messages to, you should install and maintain virus protection software on your PC.
  • Since e-mails can be copied, printed and forwarded by people to whom you send e-mails, you should be careful regarding whom you send e-mails.
  • As your employer may claim ownership of, or the right to access, the e-mail account issued to you by your e-mail, you should avoid using an employer issued e-mail account to communicate with Evonym.

By consenting to the use of e-mail with Evonym, you agree that:

  • Evonym may forward e-mails as appropriate for diagnosis, treatment, reimbursement, and other related reasons. As such, Evonym staff members, other than the recipient, may have access to e-mails that you send. Such access will only be to such persons who have a right to access your e-mail to provide services to you. Otherwise, Evonym will not, forward e-mails to independent third parties without your prior written consent, except as authorized or required by law.
  • Although Evonym will try to read and respond promptly to your e-mails, Evonym staff may not read your e-mail immediately. Therefore, you should not use e-mail to communicate with Evonym if there is an emergency or where you require an answer in a brief period of time.
  • If your e-mail requires or asks for a response, and you have not received a response within a reasonable time period, it is your responsibility to follow up directly with Evonym.
  • You should carefully consider the risk of using e-mail for the communication of sensitive medical information, such as, but not limited to, information regarding sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS/HIV, mental health, developmental disability, or substance abuse.
  • You should carefully word your e-mail messages so the information provided clearly, yet briefly, describes the information you intend to convey. You should avoid writing long “chatty” e-mails.
  • You are responsible for correcting any unclear or incorrect information.
  • Evonym reserves the right to save your e-mail and include your e-mail or information contained within your e-mail in your record.
  • It is the client’s responsibility to follow up if warranted or recommended by Evonym.
  • E-mails may not be the only form of communication that Evonym will use to communicate with you. Additionally, Evonym may decide that it is not in your best interest to continue to communicate with you by e-mail. In such case, Evonym will notify that it no longer intends to communicate with you by e-mail.
7. Copyright

This website and its content is copyright of Evonym (c ) and its affiliates and assigns and licensors. All rights reserved.

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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works.